Films 4 Teens



Anna Stadnik, Manager of Programming Section of the Two Riversides Festival, encourages the young festival viewers to take interest in our new film section.

A new section of the festival, aiming to express our programme’s rebellion against the infantilisation of children’s movies. Rebellion against cinemas’ lack of great movies about young people and addressed to young people. Movies that kids could draw inspiration from, movies thanks to which kids could satisfy higher needs – such as experiencing art – and would have something to talk about, with adults as well. We are also thinking about productions whose target viewer is not an excuse to flaw but is treated with utmost respect.

While selecting films for this section we wanted to stir the hearts and minds of viewers at whom our offer is aimed. From among the entries presented and awarded in recent years at youth’s and children’s movies festivals, we have decided upon seven films.

Dear junior festival-goers – we hope that you will join us in our rebellion and that we will prove that good adolescent cinema is essential. We would like you to submit your comments and film reviews to We will publish the best ones on our website. We wish you many unforgettable thrills.

Anna Stadnik
Manager of Programming Section