Watter Puzzle, The | Hydrozagadka – dir. Andrzej Kondratiuk, 1970

date: 02/08/2011, time: 21:00, place: The Silver Star Cinema, film program: retrospective of Andrzej Kondratiuk, artistic program: films

PL | 1970 | b&w | 70 min
reż|dir Andrzej Kondratiuk pro|pro Jerzy Rutowicz, Zespół Filmowy Plan sce|sc Andrzej Bonarski, Andrzej Kondratiuk zdj|ph Zygmunt Samosiuk muz|mus Waldemar Kazanecki mon|ed Jadwiga Zajicek ob|cast Roman Kłosowski, Zdzisław Matlakiewicz, Wiesław Michnikowski, Józef Nowak, Iga Cembrzyńska, Wiesława Mazurkiewicz, Emilia Nowak, Ewa Szykulska, Jerzy Dobrowolski dys|dis TVP

In “The Water Puzzle” Kondratiuk parodied popular sensation movies and comic stories using gags, characters and humoristic situations well known from the screens. It is an extremely funny, grotesque comedy supersaturated with absurd humor emphasized by the contrast of stylized on an American superhero As and the unleavened reality of the Polish Folk Republic.  Water in Warsaw is disappearing in inexplicable circumstances. Scientist professor Milczarek (Wiesław Michnikowski) starts to wonder on solving the puzzle of lessening water. The fearless superman As is helping him to unveil the mystery. He takes an unequal battle with mysterious and demonic enemy, the perpetrator of this whole affair. The trail leads first to a dark type called doctor Stain, and than to an exotic Maharaja (Roman Kłosowski).