CINEMA LESSON – Grzegorz Królikiewicz

date: 04/08/2011, time: 12:00, place: The Silver Star Cinema, artistic program: cinema lesson

Eminent author, director, writer and teacher. Exceptional personality of film world. Studied Law at the Łódź University (graduated in 1962) and at Łódź Film School (graduated in 1969). His career begun with documentaries and a television facts theater. In 1972 appeared his feature debut “Through and Through”, that still remains a subject of analysis and discussions at film schools. Grzegorz Królikiewicz made films that characterize his artistic courage and search for new artistic means. He is characterized by his passion for experiment and avant-garde. Appreciated and controversial artist, involved in teaching activity and writing theoretical books and scripts based on discussions with students.



Cinema Lesson is accompanied by film screenings:

Don’t Cry | Nie płacz – date: 02/08/2011, time: 11:30, place: The Silver Star Cinema

Fort 13 | Fort 13 – date: 03/08/2011, time: 11:45, place: The Silver Star Cinema

Go | Idź – date: 04/08/2011, time: 10:00, place: The Silver Star Cinema

Killing Auntie | Zabicie ciotki – date: 02/08/2011, time: 11:30, place: The Silver Star Cinema

Rhapsody | Rapsod – date: 03/08/2011, time: 11:45, place: The Silver Star Cinema

Through and Through | Na wylot – date: 04/08/2011, time: 10:00, place: The Silver Star Cinema